Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Case study - High Houses, Slow House, Cuishicle

The case study of the project that you traced today will form a part of your portfolio.

High houses, Reconstruction of Sarajevo, Lebbeus Woods
Slow house, Diller+Scofidio
Cuishicle, Archigram

1. choose one from the three
2. research why it is 'high' houses, or 'slow' house, or 'instant' dwelling unit- Cuishicle (Cuishicle is a "Speculative design for a personal, individual and portable dwelling unit which may be ‘worn’ for transport and unpacked for occupation." http://archigram.westminster.ac.uk/project.php?id=92)
3. identify how the design delivered the idea of 'high', 'slow', or 'instant' house using the term, mechanism, space, structure, surface...
4. highlight the components that are relevant to you lab design and show how you 'adapted' it.

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