Friday, November 5, 2010

Study model

Choose the materials best expressing the spatial characters of the lab.
Choose a structure best working for the mechanism of the lab.
- monolithic surface,repetitive but gradient frames
- net,inflatable,folded structure

David Greene, *Locally Available World unseen Networks" see the post below (101020)

"Los Angeles architects Stefan Rutzinger and Kristina Schinegger have designed Synaesthetic Filter, a proposed mobile pavilion for experimental music that can change shape to alter acoustic qualities during a performance."

"Synaesthetic filter – a mobile pavilion for experimental music
Synaesthetic filter is a mobile instrument for experimental music that can stage performances from scenic plays to sound installations and is supposed to be temporarily assembled in public interior spaces."

(left) breathing column
(right) breathing column detail
images © pierre charron
"'hylozoic ground', canada's official national pavilion for this year's la biennale di venezia,is an experimental piece of architecture that explores the qualities of contemporary wilderness. designed by canadian architect and sculptor philip beesley, the installation is constructed out of an intricate system of transparent acrylic meshwork links, covered with a network of interactive mechanical fronds, filters, and whiskers. the root of the project's name, 'hylozoism', refers to the ancient belief that all matter has life. true to its source, the whole installation functions similarly to a giant lung, breathing in and out around its occupants. the interactive piece of architecture responds to human presence and movement by tens of thousands of lightweight digitally-fabricated components which are fitted with microprocessors and proximity sensors."

"Norwegian practice Various Architects have sent us these images of their design for a mobile pavilion, one of three finalists in a competition organised by Yorkshire Forward.The project is constructed from a network of inflatable tubes that are arranged in a pattern derived from the atomic structure of diamonds."

"inflatable sculpture, an inflatable structure made up of textile "patches" sewn together in a repeating pattern."

Smout Allen, Retreating Village
“Our proposal for a retreating village of small houses and streets is deployed in the disintegrating territory between the sea and the land. The village reacts to predicted rates of retreat, as much as five meters per year, by sliding and shifting to safer land. To achieve this the scheme employs a mechanical landscape of winches, pulleys, rails, and counterweights, mimicking techniques for hauling boats from the waves. It also adopts [from a millennia's worth of garden and landscape design?] an architectural language of impermanence, of permeable screens, loose-fit structures, and cheap materials that complement and contribute to the nature of the restless landscape.”

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