Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Drawing list for Crit

This is the list of the drawings for the crit next week (year 2) and the following week (year 3)

Related to Prosthetics
- compositional DRAWING 1, 2 : the first week task in completed versions-
- compositional DRAWING 3 : plan and section of prosthetics, describing its materials and mechanism (how it works) in DETAIL in proper scale (1:1 - 1:5)

- compositional DRAWING 4 : prosthetics in use together with body (part) and wall
fragment (1:10 - 1:50)

Related to Kiosk
- diagram 1 : explaining the relation between your food (raw material and basic
ingredients, prosthetic mechanism, facilities to cook and package the food
(the relation could be based on the time flow to prepare the food up to
(you can use picture images or even photoshop for this task)

- drawing 1: your prosthetic machanism revised to facilitate the operation/function of your kiosk
(be specific about whether the mechanism involves in cooking, packaging, providing electric energy or whatsoever)

- drawing 2: plan of your kiosk (1:10)

- drawing 3: section of your kiosk (1:10)

You can bring also:
a full-scale functioning prosthetics (or its pictures)
sketches/collages to show how the ideas were developed to the drawings

but discuss them with Tea this Friday first.

Better bring all the drawings to the tutorial this Friday.
