Sunday, December 20, 2009

Portfolio prepap

The portfolio should catch the eyes by putting very strong visual stuffs at certain stages.

*1. Visual brief : visually explained research/analysis:
Brief in sketch/collage/photomontage - eyecatching first page with a short manifesto.

*2. Include the visual documentation of the whole design process:
Exploration of diverse medium in the process – high resolution model photos, sketches on top of cad drawings, sketches with a photomontage,…
Visually present what you learn from a research through analysis - diagram, photos, sketches...
Include the preliminary schemes which were developed before finalising the design to show how you tested your ideas to get to the current proposal. But clearly mark the stages to avoid the confusion.

*3. For every drawing, apply different lines - thick, thin, dot

*4. Do show the site contexts in every final drawing

*5. All drawing tasks but highlight the most important drawings such as:
Section drawings of a device – partially coloured, sketched, shaded, textured with the choreography of a body to emphasise the homely condition a device improves/changes and the spatial experiences it offers.

Section drawings of a pod – partially coloured, sketched, shaded, textured with the choreography of a pod to emphasise the spaces it generates, the relationship it changes with respect to the home and the spatial experiences it creates.

*6. Final model photos, 3D:
Be picky with your choice of colours particularly for the 3Ds.

*7. A2 or two joined A3 size three dimensional drawings:
‘Wow’ shot showing how the device/pod changes the home, what it looks like, what the spatial experience is. Try to combine 3D and sketches to balance between soft and hard touches if you’re not confident in your 3D skill.