project 3a. home-ranging: vertical hometown - phase I
So much preoccupied by the aesthetic value of pleasure, architects have repeatedly manifested the importance of play in the production of beauty, often creating controversial phenomena of painful play. Centre Point proudly advertises the cycle of creation and recreation, yet in an underdeveloped sense of modernism. Now, the built environment is the site to hatch a cocoon/cockpit. Your logic of habitation, still premature, undergoes a series of metamorphoses/transformations. The energy of growth slowly turns Centre Point into a playful place to live in. Your colleagues flock to the incomplete environment where all together play to work to play to shape a vertical hometown.
week 18. (Jan. 19)
drawing: exploded axonometric of pod
- catalogue (separate the components of pod and identify what each component is and does)
site analysis
-horizontal and vertical analysis of Centrepoint premise - context
week 19. (Jan. 25)
visual brief (four graphic statements in separate sheets)
1. profile
- characterise architects, who they are and what they do, based on your interest
- collage or drawing
2. programme - categorise programmes you provide based on 1 (what architects do)
- diagram of their activities and programmes
3. user group size - critical proposition on the size of architects’ community
- diagram - represent your proposition visually
4. area - critical proposition on the size of each programme based on 1, 2, 3
- diagram - represent your proposition visually
week 20. (Feb. 2)
catalogue: pod components - each component on one sheet of paper (min. A3)
- transform each component of pod considering the following:
1. week 18, 19 tasks
2. location to plant the component in the Centrepoint and its size (spatial/volumic growth)
3. forms
- Geometry - linear, curved, faceted
- System - types and variations
- Pattern - repetitive, fractal or graduated
- Facade - materials and manufacturing
week 21. (Feb. 9)
week 22. (Feb. 16)
week 23. (Feb. 23)
week 24. (Mar. 2)
week 25. (Mar. 9)
week 26. (Mar. 16)
week 27. (Mar. 23)