Next week pin-up:
Nishima, Jose, Gunes and Matthew - pin up your work (task week 1,2,3) and prepare for your presentation by 10:10
Register starts at 10:10.
The pin-up order follows the register order after Matthew.
Drawings - A2 landscape (make A2 landscape joined for best shots)
or 2 joined A3 landscape
Make the drawings express YOU.
Hard line drawings (base)+ hand sketches
Hand drawings w/tones highlighting key components
Cad drawings with soft patterns/textures
Sketches well structured and documented
-select images carefully
-highlight parts you want to emphasize
-make a story-board
Alex's drawings are good. Give more depths to the space by indicating the context clearly. The section showing the hairdresser's shop, the return-air flow to the vent and the connection to your device is a key. Design your device with the proportion of the cave triggering the the sea breeze in your memory.
Sherien's hand sketches of the rain pipe capture the materiality nicely. Develop this expression consistently in your own site - the soundscape drawing, your own rainpipe drawing and device.
Sherien, a rain pipe, hand sketch
Dexter, the interaction between the cast-iron and the royal red paint of the phonebox sounds interesting. Research & design!