Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Growth and Form Beyond

edited by Philip Beesley

This book's title refers to: On Growth and Form by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson


[Image: Detail from Hylozoic Ground; courtesy of Philip Beesley Architect].

For Swarming patterns:

Architecture of Variations edited by Lars Spuybroek
consists of three parts:
Essays on Uniformity and Variety
Figure-Configuration Taxonomies
Textile Catalog Houses

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peel Street Caves

'[Image: A 3D laser scan of the Peel Street Caves—actually a former sand mine beneath the city—courtesy of the Nottingham Caves Survey].
It's hard to resist a note that says a "new cave" has been "uploaded," but the Nottingham Caves Survey—previously mentioned here—has announced just that, putting 3D laser scans of the incredible Peel Street Caves on their website.
Like smoke rings breaking apart and slowly looping inside the planet, their near-endless recursivity makes it almost impossible to see where they begin.'

Sense of the CIty

'Sense of the City explores urban phenomena and perceptions of the city which have traditionally been ignored, repressed, or maligned. Challenging the dominance of the visual in the urban environment, the exhibition proposes a re-thinking of latent qualities of the city, offering complex analyses of the comforts, communication systems, and sensory dimensions of urban life—thus advancing a new spectrum of experience and engagement.'