Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Task for Week6_081104

From: tea lim []
Sent: 291008 7:12am
Subject: Task for Week6_081104

Dear all
We are now designing takeaway kiosks.
Everyone has specific food as well as a certain prosthetic mechanism to appreciate it.
Keep in mind that you, as a cook/operator, deal with only one customer, not two or more at the same time.
This means that your kiosk has to be very compact in size.
And its form should specifically respond to the arrangement of necessary facilities and your actions - see May's work attached.
Also consider how a customer can interact with you or even intervene in/contribute to the operation of your kiosk.
For next Tuesday, do the following:
- diagram 1 - explaining the relation between your food (raw material and basic ingredients, prosthetic mechanism, facilities to cook and package the food
(the relation could be based on the time flow to prepare the food up to packaging)
(you can use picture images or even photoshop for this task)
- drawing 1 - your prosthetic machanism revised to facilitate the operation/function of your kiosk
(be specific about whether the mechanism involves in cooking, packaging, providing electric energy or whatsoever)
- drawing 2 - plan of your kiosk (1:10)
- drawing 3 - section of your kiosk (1:10)
--- see May's work to get what we mean by a 'hard line' drawing
--- tutorial this Friday at the Maritime from 1:00

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