Tasks for 090224
Complete the followings drawings:
- at least one plan and one section of each programme
--- (farm, kitchen, dining area, toilets - each together with a wall fragment) - 1:100
- one site plan with all the programmes and connections/curculation - 1:250
- at least one detail of each programme (farm, kitchen, dining area, toilets) - 1:10
--- all together, at least 13 drawings
Now you're dealing with the architectural scale- explore spaces, a sequence of architectural spaces, its experience.
Expland the wall with the new topography you bring through horizontal, vertical movements
The choreography of the roofscape will start with the London wall and be unfolded and shape the in-between spaces.
your dining space will explore diverse vertical relations with the water surface. Can this be related to the ecology of the fish you're farming? Also the geometry starts with that of the London wall, whether radial or focal.
The sense of protection, intimacy, privacy, secureness, ...your enclosed dining space needs to achieve this as well as the water experience. The 'water wall' will contribute to it. It's quite a ritual getting to the dining space. London wall provides the territory to it. Toilets, the reception, the kitchen...all are segregated if you define them as secular.
Hygiene, clean, simple, pure, controlled, ....back to your scheme. Your dining space is in a way a show-room... or a haven to some people who hate doing or seeing all back of house stuffs. The kitchen- again, a showroom warming the half cooked noodels quickly with its granduer space - will become a part of it. You need to hide the toilets, supports below while elevating the dining space 'above'. Be carefule with your farming, minimise the footprint using an intelligent system through the whole process.
Your restaurant is to be truly 'urban. You're bringing the nature back to busy bankers by serving a food which does not need any cooking process or artificial treatment - healthy and sustainable. But to achieve this your farming is crucial. The farm environment which are going to be inserted to the urban setting and transform it, needs to be designed properly - no assuming or sketchy but factual, engineered. Define the spatial sequence and experience of customers, a connection to farming.
An opening of the London wall is a gear, a hinge, a pivotal point. All the circulation needs to organised around this point. Look at Carpenter Center by Le Courbusier in Harvard University. Design a space of connection, a circulation space...not a formal game but more networking of different functions and routes.
You need to think about the logic supporting your design- the shape/form, the position, the distance, ... The sensorial experience of the sound is your selling point. Deal with all the components as 'sound sources', all the spaces are sound-catchers, manipulating devices, maximising the sound effect.
Know what you're doing. Be clear with the components you're dealing with. Can't say you do not know what they are or what they do. The components are working with their functions - not from a formal analogy.
The choreography of the kiosk is now extended to a seasonal cycle of activitieis - growth, harvest, milling, rolling doughs, ... noodles using newly harvested wheats, 1 month stored wheats, ....you're offering noodles with the sense of seasons.
Farming and storing system of wheats are crucial.
Design the sequence of the smell experience. according to the levels - strong but broad, vacuum, intense but condense and local...
It's a game of negotiating the territories with your neighbors, between lobsters and customers, between staffs and lobsters/customers...between London wall and the aquariums. Use the model to adjust its parts depending on the contexts they are touching. Define the spaces, the circulations, the experiences, the levels, ...with precision.
Use the correctly scaled volume. Read carefully Tea's sketch. Think about the circulation around. Define the relationship between each function and London wall - above, under, next to, with 1m distance whatever - this needs to come from you design intent.
I might ask some of you to send photos/images of the drawings midway, so don't put them off to the last minute.
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