Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blurb - Prosthetic Device (101019)

1. Read the'blurbs' about Stelarc, our major reference for the prosthetic device.


Stelarc: The Monograph

Edited by Marquard Smith · MIT Press, 2005

"In this collection of essays, we are invited to envelop ourselves in a series of events that oscillate between tranquil meditations and violent crashes as data, hardware, and flesh mix in a variety of unbounded artistic orchestrations. With contributions from the critics and theorists who know Stelarc best, this book contains illuminating commentary on and analysis of his technoperformative work that is as compelling and as disturbing as anything found in the most radical of science fiction novels. Welcome to the world of Stelarc."
Steven Kurtz, Critical Art Ensemble

"A Nietzschean experimental site, Stelarc delivers a punch of utmost severity, joining performance art with prosthetic innovation and philosophical reflection. This book brings together a colloquy of techno-warriors who probe the limits of the eviscerable body, its post-pornographic submission, and hybrid presumptions. One imagines Heidegger traversed by Schreber."
Avital Ronell, Professor of German, Comparative Literature, and English, New York University, author of The Test Drive and The Telephone Book

2. Compare two paragraphs below to clarify what a blurb is as an act of design:

A blurb in a book cover is a subjective opinion fused with the 'fact,' the summary of the work, which is again filtered through the blurbers' interpretation. It reveals the unique way they read and interpret.

A blurb in the first project, Intro Mutant, is a sensorial experience fused with the 'site', which may have been a neutral setting before but has been relocated within a personal narrative.

A prosthetic device helps to improve:
a.the delivery of the sensorial experience
b.the choreography of the personal narrative
c.the fusion/connection/integration to the site.

To achieve these requires components of:
a.function(collector, amplifier, magnifier, reflector, filter, spacer, fan,...)
b.motion(frames, joints, wires/strings/rods...)
c.connection employing tactics such as camouflage, adaptation, mimicking, illusion, screen...

3. Diller & Scofidio, NAT CHARD
See the post in the blog about Diller & Scofidio from here:

it says:
"Diller & Scofidio operate in times when the architectural observer cannot possession of a building through the ritualistic experience of its fixed and common iconography.
'Automarionette' : a prosthetic apparatus by Diller & Scofidio that makes the empathetic viewer aware of his own body and inertia of its parts.
Sandbags are suspended by levers and attached with the body of men model. It appears the tensions which affect other parts beside the bones and the body. Therefore, body is as a structure of pre-stress and the pre-stress was shown by the way which we lay eyes on.(explain the ‘Automarionette’ project )"

and about NAT CHARD
"Users will mark the architecture with their actions during occupation, leaving traces that suggest how it should be inhabited. (Nat Chard, 8)
Durational scan of two figures walking and consequential space, 1994
Durational study of space between lower legs of two people walking, 1994
Perception drawings of foot, to be read with drawing opposite, 1994
Perception drawings for desire sensitive space, 1994
Early body project to take possession of the city using imagined bio- and nanotechonologies, 1992. Two drawings to left(shown with synthetic organs opend out for illustration) make up stereo pair.
Durational feedback drawing for desire sensitive space for two people, 1993. Study of relationship between personal projection of space, recollection of the previous condition, context and the feedback loop.Post by: Tsai AT 20:12 "

See the images together in the blog.

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